

To Lebanon Trust


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Lebanon Trust is a Charity created by a group of Irish and international volunteers. It is a private, nonprofit organisation with no political or religious affiliations. It is officially registered in the Republic of Ireland (see below). While we started our work in 2008, the official registration was finalised in early 2010.

Its purpose is to assist needy people in Lebanon by helping them

– integrate into society
– uphold their dignity, and
– build their life.

The Trust’s work focuses primarily on children and children’s institutions in Lebanon.

The help Lebanon Trust provides consists of practical work and financial support. The Trust has no paid staff. All funds go directly to the people we help.

Lebanon Trust relies on a network of volunteers.

Want to know more? Just drop us a line or see our FAQ.

Official stuff

Lebanon Trust is a Charity registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority of Ireland, Registered Charity Number (CRA Number) 20074449. It is granted charitable tax exemption under the provisions of Section 207 Taxes Consolidation Act 1997, under reference CHY 19091. We are listed on Irish Charities Regulator Register (this link opens in a new tab).

Lebanon Trust has the status of “Eligible Charity” for the purposes of Section 848A Taxes Consolidation Act 1997. Ireland-based donors: please see here for tax relief opportunities.