Yearly Archives: 2012

All 2012 news

November 2012: another successful supporting trip to Lebanon

Undeterred by the regional political instability, our volunteers spent two weeks in Lebanon, where they worked at the school for deaf children FAID, visited two kindergartens for refugee children tha we support, and brought our charitable donations. For the first time this year our work extended to the South of the country, in the historical port city of Tyre, at the kindergarten of the refugee camp of Burj el Shemali.

This year’s results include:

  • The Father Andeweg Institute for the Deaf (FAID): Lebanon Trust financed a year of a speech therapist for the deaf children, who otherwise could not learn how to speak
  • FAID: improvement of the playground and other facilities, renovation of classrooms, clean-up of garden and reclamation of unused areas
  • Kindergarten of the refugee camp of Chatila in Beirut: ongoing financial support
  • Kindergarten of the refugee camp of Burj el Shemali in Tyre: contribution to the complete restoration of the building (clean-up, bathroom, sewage, playground tiling)

More information on this page. As always, a detailed report will be sent to all our donors.

October-November 2012: Lebanon Trust’s mission to Beirut!

Again this year the volunteers of Lebanon Trust are going to Beirut, to work at the school for deaf children FAID, to visit the refugee kindergarten we help, and to bring our charitable donations. This year a medical doctor will join us as a volunteer, too, to give medical advice and classes to the children. We are all looking forward to this new mission!

October 2012: concert and fundraising event for Lebanon Trust, in Tralee

Friday October 12th: the band Rouge in concert at Turner’s Lounge, 22 Castle Street, Tralee, Kerry. Music, raffles, spot prizes and craic galore. Doors open at 8 pm. Don’t miss it! For details, please contact us.

September 2012: cake sale for Lebanon Trust, Dublin

Thursday September 20th: The Great Cake Sale, organised by Symantec’s fabulous Committee of Bloom. Blanchardstown, Dublin, at lunchtime. Many thanks to the Committee and to all the employees!

September 2012: fundrasing in Tralee (Ireland) for Lebanon Trust’s projects

Two bucket collections for Lebanon Trust in Tralee: Friday Sep 7th in Manor Park Shopping Centre, and on Saturday Sep 8th in Tralee Town Centre. Many thanks to all the supporters who lend their time to help our projects!

July 2012: Lebanon Trust would like to thank the Sales department of upc cablecom in Zurich, and especially Ana for her generosity

Our heartfelt gratitude to all who organised and participated in the European Championship football pool, and a special “thank you” to Ana – whose affinity to Spain obviously paid off! And whose friendship for Lebanon Trust merits a world cup.

June 2012: Lebanon Trust is granted the status of “Eligible Charity” by the Office of the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland

In addition to its existing Charity status (CHY 19091) recognised by the Irish authorities, Lebanon Trust has now been granted also the status of “Eligible Charity” for the purposes of Section 848A Taxes Consolidation Act 1997.

This means that in Ireland tax relief is available on donations of €250 or more in any one tax year, from both individual and corporate donors. Tax relief is applied to these donations at the donor’s marginal rate of tax.

How the tax relief is applied depends on which taxpaying category the donor falls into:

  1. In the case of PAYE taxpayers, the tax relief is applied at the marginal rate and is paid directly by the Revenue Commissioners to Lebanon Trust on receipt of the relevant appropriate certificate (an official form that is completed by the donor and Lebanon Trust).
  2. Individual taxpayers on self-assessment benefit directly from relief at the marginal rate by claiming the donation as a tax-deductible expense.
  3. Corporate donors simply claim a deduction for the donation as if it were a trading expense.

So in the first case the tax relief is paid directly to Lebanon Trust. In the cases 2 and 3 the donor receives the tax relief.

Please contact us for more information on this topic.

April 2012: Lebanon Trust is the winner of Liberty Global’s In Heroes Award

Liberty Global’s In Heroes is an annual volunteering awards program that selects volunteering organisations on the basis of their impact on the community, their level of commitment, and their creativity and innovation. This award is a marvellous recognition for Lebanon Trust and a wonderful help for our projects.

Our deepest gratitude to Liberty Global and its executive officers for their generosity.

April 2012: Lebanon Trust would like to thank ANSAC Credit Union for their continued support

ANSAC, the Credit Union of PDFORRA, the Permanent Defence Force Other Ranks Representative Association, Dublin, has again donated generously to Lebanon Trust, and we would like to express our gratitude to them. Thank you!

March 2012: update from the Father Andeweg Institute for the Deaf

Frozina, FAID’s speech therapist funded by Lebanon Trust, would like to update donors and volunteers on her work and the children’s progress.

She takes care of 27 of FAID’s children, aged 8 to 18, all wearing at least one hearing aid. They all attend regular weekly speech therapy sessions, individually as well as in groups. The therapy’s goals include: developing oral communication, improving control over their voice (intensity, frequency, timbre), perfecting their pronunciation, expanding their understanding of words and sentences, extending their vocabulary, strenghtening their lip-reading skills.

Frozina reports the following results: children aged 3-7 show a clear progress, in expressing themselves as well as in listening. Primary-school pupils have developed especially in their pronunciation and vocabulary, also in spontaneous daily conversation. Older children have improved their speaking skills too, but still show difficulties in structuring sentences. Besides, more work is needed to improve their spontaneous conversation.

The pictures on the left show the children at play on the snow during an excursion in the beautiful mountains at Faraya in Lebanon.

February 2012: Our deepest gratitude to Daiwa Europe Fund Managers Ireland Limited and all its employees, for the very generous donation sent to Lebanon Trust. Thank you!

Daiwa Securities Group Inc. is one of the largest Japanese securities houses in the world and a foremost financial service provider.

February 2012: Italian weekly Donna Moderna once again writes about Lebanon Trust

In the February issue of the magazine, columnist Alessandra Appiano published a feature about Lebanon Trust . Many thanks to Donna Moderna and to all the readers who have helped our Charity, following last year’s appeal.

We would like to remind that it is now possible to spend an extended period as a volunteer at one of the Institutions we support. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.