May 2019: news from FAID

FAID’s latest newletter contains updates and many news about their activities with the children:
– Lebanon’s Independence Day celebrated at the Presidential palace with the President and the First Lady
– The First Lady, Ms Nadia Aoun, hosted the launch of FAID’s campaign for early intervention of hard-of-hearing children, with the support of 10 NGOs
– The children were delighted and immensely proud to celebrate the National Flag Day with the Lebanse Army, whose troops hoisted the flag at FAID and whose orchestra played military music
– A vocational training on basic agricolture and food production took place at FAID
– Two special classes were created to meet the needs of students who joined FAID at a relatively late age without previous education
– FAID is piloting an “outreach program” in the settlements of Syrian refugees in Lebanon. It concentrates on educating parents to communicated with and helping their deaf children
– and many other news.
Lebanon Trust features promimently in the newsletter, with many pictures and a description of the work we did at FAID last year: the renovation of the Computer Room and the Earmould Laboratory, scraping and painting walls, windows, railings and doors, replacing the old carpet with a new one; painting and maintenance work on girls’ dormitory playground that we built in 2016, and a complete clearance of the overgrowth in the garden. Also, we provided a 30-metre net for the playground, to allow the children to play safely and not lose their footballs.