Category Archives: Lebanon

Lebanon Trust’s volunteers’ work at FAID

Our volunteers’ work at FAID (November 2019)




This was our volunteer’s 12th consecutive visit to FAID, School for the Deaf, in Beirut.

We painted and renovated the Vocational Training room, where FAID’s children will be trained to become hairdressers; did many maintenance tasks at the school; cleaned up the garden and fixed and re-installed the clinic door.

At the end of our stay, we all shared chocolates & cheers with the all the children.

Thanks to our donors, we were able to help the school with

– USD 8000 for the speech therapy,
– USD 2000 for heating fuel
– and we financed the renovation work that we carried out

We look forward to next year’s visit!

Visit to the Shatila refugee camp, Nov 2019

Visit to the kindergarten of the Shatila refugee camp (November 2019)

The Shatila camp hosts more than 10 thousand people on a surface on approximately 1 square kilometre, an exceptionally high population density. Conditions are really very difficult.

Schooling is provided by the United Nations, except for kindergartens. We at Lebanon Trust support a kindergarten run by our partner Association Najdeh.

Like every year, we visited this kindergarten, and – like every year – we experienced the joy of seeing the teachers, exceptionally motivated and resourceful, and meeting the children, aged between 3 and 5. They sang for us (in English!) and were enchanted by soap bubbles.

Thanks to our supporters, we were able to donate USD 3000 to them, towards improvements to the building and the purchase of teaching materials.

Volunteers in Lebanon, 2019

Despite the volatile situation, our volunteers went to Lebanon last month (Nov 2019)


Widespread, non-sectarian protests have been taking place in Lebanon without interruption since October 17, 2019. The protests are motivated by the government’s failure to provide basic services (such as electricity, drinking water, garbage collection) and find solutions to an economic crisis that has been looming for quite some time, because of corruption and waste of public money. These protests cause some disruptions – such as blocked roads – and the banks, when they are open, limit withdrawals.

Despite the possible volatility of the situation, our volunteers travelled to Lebanon for their annual working visit.

(pictures: from Wikipedia)

Lebanon Trust volunteers on their 2019 mission

Lebanon Trust volunteers on their 2019 mission

Once again, Lebanon Trust’s volunteers are heading to Lebanon. For two weeks in November, they will visit FAID School for the Deaf, the Association Najdeh‘s refugee kindergartens, and the institute for orphaned and street children Home of Hope Lebanon, doing practical work and delivering financial support, thanks to our friends and donors!

A huge THANK YOU to all the generous people who helped us this year!

May 2019: news from FAID

May 2019: news from FAID

FAID’s latest newletter contains updates and many news about their activities with the children:

– Lebanon’s Independence Day celebrated at the Presidential palace with the President and the First Lady

– The First Lady, Ms Nadia Aoun, hosted the launch of FAID’s campaign for early intervention of hard-of-hearing children, with the support of 10 NGOs

– The children were delighted and immensely proud to celebrate the National Flag Day with the Lebanse Army, whose troops hoisted the flag at FAID and whose orchestra played military music

– A vocational training on basic agricolture and food production took place at FAID

– Two special classes were created to meet the needs of students who joined FAID at a relatively late age without previous education

– FAID is piloting an “outreach program” in the settlements of Syrian refugees in Lebanon. It concentrates on educating parents to communicated with and helping their deaf children

– and many other news.

Lebanon Trust features promimently in the newsletter, with many pictures and a description of the work we did at FAID last year: the renovation of the Computer Room and the Earmould Laboratory, scraping and painting walls, windows, railings and doors, replacing the old carpet with a new one; painting and maintenance work on girls’ dormitory playground that we built in 2016, and  a complete clearance of the overgrowth in the garden. Also, we provided a 30-metre net for the playground, to allow the children to play safely and not lose their footballs.

A new life and hope for deaf kids at FAID

A new life, and hope for the future, for deaf refugee children in Lebanon, thanks to FAID and UNHCR

FAID, the school for deaf children that we help since 2008, hosts 24 Syrian refugees, all deaf. Here they receive an education, are assisted by speech therapists, and – most of all – find a new life and hope for the future. The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) supports these children at FAID, as FAID’s Gladys explains in this video. Also, specialists and volunteers from FAID bring their invaluable help to Syrian refugee settlements, thus reaching deaf children who otherwise would not be helped at all. Enjoy the video!

The Irish Examiner: an article about FAID, the Home of Hope and refugee camps that we support

The Irish Examiner: an article about FAID, the Home of Hope and refugee camps that we support

(Credit: Irish Examiner)

A new article on the Irish Examiner, by journalist Victoria White, describes the difficulties of refugee, homeless and special-needs children in Lebanon, with a special focus on The Home of Hope and FAID, that we have been supporting for many years. Ms White spoke with Grace of FAID and Brady of the Home of Hope during her trip to Lebanon earlier this year.

What we did in 2018

Lebanon Trust’s 2018 results

Lebanon Trust’s volunteers with Grace, FAID’s director. We donated them 8000 dollars for their deaf pupils’ speech theraphy.

(tablets and smartphones: best viewed in landscape mode)

Dear friends,

in October this year we went to Lebanon to visit the Institutions we support through your generosity: the Father Andeweg Institute for the Deaf (FAID), two kindergartens for refugees and the Home of Hope, for street and orphaned children.

For the 11th year in a row, we worked at FAID, where we renovated the students’ Computer Room and the Earmould Laboratory. Removing all the furniture and equipment, scraping and painting walls, windows, railings and doors, replacing the old carpet with a new one, moving the furniture back – we did it all over the course of several days and a weekend, in order not to disrupt the teaching schedule too much.

We also did painting and maintenance work on girls’ dormitory playground that we built in 2016, and did a complete clearance of the overgrowth in the garden.

We donated FAID 8000 dollars to finance a speech therapist for their nearly 70 deaf pupils, ranging from kindergarten pupils to teenagers. Speech therapy teaches deaf people how to speak and lip-read, allowing them to communicate with the wider world and equipping them for a productive future.

This year our team got a great new addition: Emma, from Como in Italy, a tireless worker and always in good spirits. A perfect volunteer!

This year we returned to the Home of Hope, an instute that welcomes street children and children with no family. With their Education Director Brady, we visited their place, talked to many of the children and gave them a donation of 2000 dollars for their computer class, where they learn programming and robotics. We also gave them many footballs, donated by O’Neills sport in Dublin.

One day during our trip we went to visit the kindergarten of the refugee camp of Shatila, as we have been doing every year since 2011. We love this place – despite its really bleak surroundings (a dilapidated and overcrowded refugee camp), the kindergarten is full of joy, colours, laughter and songs. The teachers are all super-motvated and full of energy. The children, aged 3 to 5, learn to read and write in Arabic and English. The classrooms are full of drawings; we added great clouds of soap bubbles, which the children adore.

On behalf of our donors, we gave the kindergarten’s director Mariam a donation of USD 2000 towards the purchase of books and material for those children whose families cannot afford them. Thank you friends and supporters!

One of our regular appointments when we are in Lebanon is the visit to the kindergarten of the refugee camp di Burj el-Shemali, in the historic city of Tyre, in the south of the country. We very much look forward to this, every time. It is a great day that we spend with the children and the teachers. They are all very warm and welcoming, always enthusiastic, motivated and full of ideas and projects.

We all sang songs in English, blew soap bubbles, ate sweets and made a lot of noise. On behalf of our supporters, we left a much-needed donation of 2000 dollars in support of the kindergarten’s activities. After the children left, the teachers surprised us with a huge Palestinian lunch, which was really delicious! Thank you!


Income: Donations to Lebanon Trust (Euro)

Fundraising events 3’589.61
Private donations, collection boxes, sponsorship cards 10’658.50
Corporate sponsorships 1’170.19
Total 15’418.30

(Year close Nov 30, 2018; EUR/USD/CHF currency exchange rate: as applied by our bank in Ireland)

Expenditure: Donations to the supported institutions, expenses (Euro)

Web hosting & domains, Paypal/banking commissions
Hardware & materials, transport, logistics, local labour 1795.23
Donation to FAID 7’120.00
Donation to the Home of Hope 1’780.00
Donation to Shatila refugee kindergarten 1’780.00
Donation to Burj el Shemali refugee kindergarten 1’780.00
Total 14’376.38
Difference 1’041.92

Accommodation was kindly provided by FAID for free. Most volunteers took unpaid leave from their employers.

Fundraising events organised by the volunteers over the year: Christmas swim, street collections, weekly raffles, cake sales, quiz night, birthday parties, virtual flea market, bucket collections.

Our special thanks to these friends, who helped us this year:

  • All the employees of Symantec Corporation in Dublin, and in particular the following friends:
    • Mick Halpin
    • Amanda Davis
    • David Tryse
    • Jayne Delahunt
    • Julie Weber
    • Louise Hanlon
    • Stephanie Derwojed
    • Wolfram Rausch
  • Jung Y. Yang e Stephen King, Silicon Valley Community Foundation
  • Paul Velaski, Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer, Silicon Valley Community Foundation
  • Jaime Barclay, Symantec Corporation
  • Davide Keane (Dublin)
  • Elaine Curley (Dublin)
  • The David & Kathleen Halpin Fund of the Community Foundation of Collier County in Naples, Florida
  • Kathleen Halpin (Dublin)
  • Kieran Mc Loughlin & GK Nets of Howth
  • O’Neills Irish International Sports Company Ltd. (Dublin)
  • Dolphin Furniture Sales Ltd. (Dublin)
  • Staff, Committee and customers at St Peregrines GAA Club, Blanchardstown (Dublin)
  • Mountview Pharmacy (Dublin)
  • Cut N Style Mountview Hairdressers (Dublin)
  • Salmons Public House, Mountview (Dublin)
  • Caroline, of EUROSPAR Hartstown (Dublin)
  • Big Mick & all the lads in Farleng engineering (Dublin)
  • Farleng Engineering (Dublin)
  • Pat Stafford of Stafford Engineering (Dublin)
  • All the lads on the John Paul construction site on the River Liffey (Dublin)
  • The very generous people of St. Peter’s Crescent and St Peter’s Drive, Walkinstown (Dublin)
  • All the staff & workers at the Diageo site at the Old Power Station in St James Gate (Dublin)
  • Walls Engineering, Carlow, Ireland
  • Griffin Digital Print (Dublin)
  • McCormack’s Cycle Centre (Dublin)
  • Eddy McHugh’s Shop (Dublin)
  • Paul Reid Dental Laboratories (Dublin)
  • Kelly’s Welding & Engineering Supplies Ltd (Dublin)
  • Gerard Kelly (Dublin)
  • Brenden Lilliput stores (Dublin)
  • and the many people who sponsored Paul Horace on the sponsor card, and the people he met while working on a wall building site in Dublin
  • British Airways
  • Air Lingus
  • Germania Airlines
  • Advanced Car Rental (Beirut)
  • Maria Pia Porta (Genova, Italy)
  • Martina Merkle (Zurich, CH)
  • Catherine & Adrian Poeydomenge-Ruf (Zurich, CH)
  • Patricia Meade (USA)
  • Cristina Ovas (UK)
  • Maria Chong (Messico)
  • Chaithra Vishnu (India)
  • Donel Flaherty (Tralee)
  • Adrian Kelly (Tralee)
  • Eddie McCarthy (Caherslee, Tralee)
  • Anthony Slattery & family (Listellick, Tralee)
  • Samantha Morressy of Bar One (Tralee)
  • Kiernan Donnehy (Tralee)
  • Dave, Aisling, Alex (Tralee)
  • Stacey Conway (Tralee)
  • Karen O’Brien (Tralee)
  • Francis Burke (Tralee)
  • Ed O’Connor (Tralee)
  • Dominick O’Brian (Tralee)
  • Pat Conway (Tralee)
  • Anto Carrol (Tralee)
  • Mike Conway, Jr (Tralee)
  • Adam Conway (Tralee)
  • Clodagh Lynch (Tralee)
  • Pat Francis Roche & family (Tralee)
  • Tommy Naughton (Tralee)
  • All street collectors in Tralee
  • Tim O’Brien (Tralee)
  • Sean P. Moran
  • Noel O’Connor, Adams garage (Tralee)
  • Sean Lynch (Tralee)
  • Sean McCord, Aqua Dome (Tralee)
  • Brogue Inn Restaurant (Tralee)
  • Niall Nolan of Nolan’s Garage (Tralee)
  • Ann Miller (Tralee)
  • Chelsey Conway (Tralee)
  • Billy Nolan Jewellers (Tralee)
  • Mike & Jordan Shea (Tralee)
  • Aidan Teahan (Tralee)
  • Pamela & Keith Costello (Tralee)
  • Maria Cristina Ferraro (Genova, Italy)
  • Alessandro Bertolotto (Genova, Italy)
  • Ole Vossnack (Zurich, CH)
  • Famiglia Vigna-Mori (Savona, Italy)
  • Carla & Natale Ferraro (Genova, Italy)
  • Checco Devia & famiglia (Genova, Italy)
  • Elena Prola-Smith & famiglia (Londra)
  • Enrico & Lilli Bertolotto (Genova, Italy)
  • Family Delfante-Cocurullo (Genova, Italy)
  • Family Parodi (Genova, Italy)
  • Family Fasciolo (Arquata Scrivia, Italy)
  • Giovanna Pellegrini & family (Genova, Italy)
  • Family Zappavigna (Marina di Massa, Italy)
  • Family Aquini (Arquata Scrivia, Italy)
  • Nino & Milda Cocurullo (Genova, Italy)
  • Family Della Penna (Genova, Italy)
  • Family Renato Ricci (Arquata Scrivia, Italy)
  • Silvana Falaschini, Giorgio Margotti (Livorno, Italy)

Visit to the refugee camp of Burj el-Shemali

Lebanon Trust visited a refugee kindergarten in the south of Lebanon

One of our regular appointments when we are in Lebanon is the visit to the kindergarten of the refugee camp di Burj el-Shemali, in the city of Tyre, in the south of the country.  We very much look forward to this, every time. It is a great day that we spend with the children and the teachers. They are all very warm and welcoming, always enthusiastic, motivated and full of ideas and projects.

We all sang songs in English, blew soap bubbles, ate sweets and made a lot of noise. On behalf of our supporters, we left a much-needed donation of 2000 dollars in support of the kindergarten’s activities.  After the children left, the teachers surprised us with a huge Palestinian lunch, which was really delicious! Thank you!

The Shatila refugee camp

Visit and donation to the kindergarten of the refugee camp of Shatila in Beirut


One day during our trip we went to visit the kindergarten of the refugee camp of Shatila, as we have been doing every year since 2011.  We love this place – despite its really bleak surroundings (a dilapidated and overcrowded refugee camp), the kindergarten is full of joy, colours, laughter and songs. The teachers are all super-motvated and full of energy. The children, aged 3 to 5, learn to read and write in Arabic and English. The classrooms are full of drawings; we added great clouds of soap bubbles, which the children adore.

On behalf of our donors, we gave the kindergarten’s director Mariam a donation of USD 2000 towards the purchase of books and material for those children whose families cannot afford them. Thank you friends and supporters!

A donation to FAID

Lebanon Trust’s donation to FAID to support speech therapy for the deaf children

Speech therapy teaches deaf people how to speak and lip-read, allowing them to communicate with the wider world and equipping them for a productive future. On behalf of our donors and supporters, we donated 8000 dollars to finance a speech therapist for the Father Andeweg Institute for the Deaf, which educates nearly 70 deaf children, ranging from kindergarten pupils to teenagers.