A visit and donation to the Home of Hope in Lebanon
In early 2017 we reported Amir’s story – a deaf Syrian boy with no family, who was welcomed by FAID school for the deaf. Amir is a boarder at FAID and spends the weekends at Home of Hope Lebanon.
Home of Hope welcomes ~55 street or orphaned children, feeds and clothes them, and gives them a home and an education. Raghida and Brady, director and education director respectively, explained to us how they operate and gave a us a tour of the house. We were impressed. On behalf of our donors and according to Home of Hope’s wish list, we bought 100 pairs of Crocs in many different sizes and socks and underwear. O’Neills Sportswear from Ireland donated footballs, to the delight of the children.
Thank you friends!
Shoes, underwear, footballls donated on behalf of our generous supporters
Beirut’s Armenian quarter, where we went shopping with Home of Hope’s Brady
100 pairs of shoes filled our car’s booth and the back seat